Saturday, February 9, 2013

Heart Lockets

Hey! Heart lockets came back on animal jam, speaking of which, I have a HILARIOUS story to tell you guys! Okay, so theres a girl wanting a blue heart locket. , right? She said 4 items on trade for it. Some items included a rare top, rare bow, and 3 other heart lockets. Someone comes up and says "I have a blue locket!" so, I'm like "ARE YOU CRAZY!? LOCKETS ARE COMING BACK!" By then, she is talking with the other girl, saying "what other items on trade do you want?" The other girl replies "Any four items" So guess what she trades her? THE RARE BOW AND 3 OTHER LOCKETS. I'm still saying "HEART LOCKETS ARE COMING BACK!!!" Then, the girl who traded for the blue locket is all like "NO THEY WONT" and "YOU HAVE NO PROOF" Then I'm like, "I do, check in the newspapers. theres a page with a locket on it." Then she doesn't talk for a while, then walks away. XD She sure learned her lesson!
Anyways, the locket
Thats all, folks! Keep on Jamming!

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